Monday, February 22, 2010

Can you boil an egg?

Think there's nothing easier than boiling an egg? 

Think again.  Did you know that the whites and the yolk cook at different rates?  Do you start the egg in hot or cold water, and if you go the cold route, when do you start the timer- when the eggs go in, or when the water begins to boil?  Is your brain starting to hurt?  Could you care less?

READ HERE to really get into the SCIENCE of cooking the perfect soft-boiled egg.  If you're a bit of a food nut like I am, you'll love it.  There are graphs, charts, temperatures, and formulas all explaining this blogger's scientific calculations about cooking eggs.  But don't let that throw you off- it is quite readable.

The posted link above takes you on an interesting story that stops off in Japan, talks about Jules Verne, and even discusses sous vide eggs (which, in my opinion, is NOT considered boiling).

Have a good read, and take notes.  Next time you have company for brunch- boil their socks off!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I love my Bosch Tassimo coffee system!

Are you looking for a more convenient way to get your morning coffee?  Are you constantly throwing out half a pot of brewed coffee when you and your guests can't seem to finish it?  Do you hate cleaning your coffee urn?

I recieved this for my birthday late last year.  It is a single-serving coffee maker for home use.

While there are a few different brands and models of single-serving systems available for purchase, this is my recommendation.  Its ease of use, simplicity in design, and the availability of compatible coffee products in most supermarkets, put it in a class of its own.

The Tassimo "T-Discs" are not only available wherever you buy your current canned coffee grounds, but affordable, as well.  If you buy a coffee from a Starbucks, for example, it can cost anywhere from 3-8 bucks, easy.  Each cup from the Tassimo machine is less than a dollar.

You can read a comparison of the Tassimo units and their leading competitor, Keurig, by clicking here.  Both have their advantages; I won't deny that.  But the Tassimo system has a unique barcode-reading design that enables it to create mixed hot beverages, such as lattes and cappucinos.  There are also T-Discs available for hot chocolate, espresso, and tea.

Worried you won't get your favorite brand?  The Tassimo website lists their current supported brands of coffee, and you will be happy to know that includes such favorites as Maxwell House, Nabob, Starbucks, and Kenco.  Check it out here.

Enjoy your next cup quickly, affordably, and with no cleaning and little waste!  You may become addicted to the convenience.  Don't say I didn't warn you!

How defense gets it done

This past Saturday, Toronto Raptors starting center Andrea Bargnani guarded the rim with an iron will.  Three blocked shots in the span of two minutes, turning the tide of the game to seal a victory.  Watch some of his moves here: (He's the big white guy with the number "7" on his back.

And THAT, kids, is how you win.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fused Glass Landscapes

This selection of images comes from artist Alice Benvie Gebhart.  At first glance, these appear to be paintings, when in actual fact it is fused glass.  Different pieces of varying colors and shapes of glass are assembled and fired in a kiln until it all flows together.  Specialty glasses such as dichroic glass and iridescent glass are often used to finish her work, contributing to its luminescent quality. The completed pieces are transformed into either wall art or free-standing sculptures.

Clearly, Alice takes her inspiration from the vibrant colors and light of nature when composing her landscapes.  In her mind, glass is the best way to reveal nature's beauty fully.  I leave it to you to decide:

See more at Alice’s website and if you’re in Portland check her work out in person at the Brian Marki Gallery.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Teddy Geiger

I really love his sound.  This music offering comes from Teddy Geiger's Website, and the song is from the album, Underage Thinking.

Teddy also starred alongside Rainn Wilson (Six Feet Under, The Office) in the movie, The Rocker:

You can buy his music from his website, or find it on iTunes!

We Feel Fine

Jonathan Harris began collecting imaginary stories as a young boy, and now, he collects stories from the internet.

Taken from :

Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world's newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases "I feel" and "I am feeling". When it finds such a phrase, it records the full sentence, up to the period, and identifies the "feeling" expressed in that sentence (e.g. sad, happy, depressed, etc.). Because blogs are structured in largely standard ways, the age, gender, and geographical location of the author can often be extracted and saved along with the sentence, as can the local weather conditions at the time the sentence was written. All of this information is saved.

Jonathan Harris gives a lecture at the TED conference here:

We Feel Fine can be viewed here.  It's definitely worth a visit.  Does this give us insight about the mood of the internet?  Of the planet?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Three NBA Half-Time Shows

I love basketball.  But who okays this stuff?

Is this the worst ever?  This is just hilarious, and a bit sad, as well.  Tracy McGrady thought it was funny.  Taken from

How do you get over that?  And what's worse is the commentary on TV just before it happened.  This is almost as bad.  Who booked this guy?  Do they still work there?

Wow.  All I have to say about that.  Finally, this is probably the worst kind of entertainment:

Again, the commentators were left speechless.  I love when that happens.  What happened to the cheerleader?

This concludes this bit of interest!

Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different?

Derek Sivers is best known for starting CD Baby in 1998.  At one point, CD Baby was the largest seller of independent music on the web, with over $100M in sales and over 150,000 music clients.  He now operates MuckWork.

Read Derek's blog, thoughts, and advice here.

Interesting.  :)

Randall Munroe

XKCD - "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language."

This artist is a CNU graduate who has a degree in physics.  In his spare time "(he) likes to climb things, open strange doors, and go to goth clubs dressed as a frat guy so that (he) can stand around and look terribly uncomfortable. At frat parties (he) does the same thing, but the other way around."

Now, he creates this professionally:

Visit to view his cartoons and scribblings.  Buy a t-shirt, poster, book, or other awesome stickman swag here.

Another product of random searching and responding to what's interesting! is a cool site if you're into seeing which celebrities you most resemble, if you want to create a family tree, research your genealogy, or just find something cool to post on your Facebook or Myspace page.

Something cool and interesting, like the video below:

Take any photo of any face. Find celebrity look alikes, create videos where you morph into a celebrity (I morph into Gene Kelly in the above video). Click "want one too?" on the video interface to get your own!

Gene was totally a looker. ;)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dan Ariely asks, "Are we in control of our decisions?"

I find it interesting that economic theory can be applied to how people think.

What a fantastic lecture. If you haven't been to, I highly recommend taking the day off, getting comfortable, and wasting the afternoon watching these amazing people talking about their passions.

If you can watch the videos at work, you're lucky- you can get paid to relax and expand your mind.

Enjoy! And comment on whether or not those illusions got you! I'd like to know.

Lawrence Yang

Visit for Lawrence Yang's wicked awesome blog, where he puts up pictures of his original art almost every day! His online art portfolio can be viewed at

You can watch as his pieces take shape, how he turns mistakes into positives, and how his style and vision continues to progress from piece to piece. It's pretty cool to get an inside look into the creation and execution of his work.

That's what's of interest tonight. See y'all tomorrow!