Why we are here

We all have very diverse and unrelated interests.
These interests are seemingly random.
Personally, our interests are simply things we like.
I like that.

I like that we show range as humans.
I enjoy the fact that no two people are identical in this.
We are snowflakes of interest.
Complex, and unique.

We like to learn.
We like to laugh.
We like to listen.
We like to like things!

Your interests are different than mine, and I'm biased.
My interests are on display on this blog.
But your interests are welcome.
Comments are welcome.

There are buttons for you to click on each post.
One says "interesting".
One says "boring".

I won't judge your decisions.

I want to see how people have differing interests.
Some people may find many things here fascinating.
Some people might click "back" in their browser.
Before they do, I want them to click "boring".

If this blog looks like it's without direction,
don't worry.
It is.
Because interests are always changing.

People change their career three to four times in their lifetime,
on average.
If this is true about something as important as a job,
then it must also be true for passing interests,
and day-to-day stimuli.

I hope you find something of interest here.

Scott Baird.