Monday, February 22, 2010

Can you boil an egg?

Think there's nothing easier than boiling an egg? 

Think again.  Did you know that the whites and the yolk cook at different rates?  Do you start the egg in hot or cold water, and if you go the cold route, when do you start the timer- when the eggs go in, or when the water begins to boil?  Is your brain starting to hurt?  Could you care less?

READ HERE to really get into the SCIENCE of cooking the perfect soft-boiled egg.  If you're a bit of a food nut like I am, you'll love it.  There are graphs, charts, temperatures, and formulas all explaining this blogger's scientific calculations about cooking eggs.  But don't let that throw you off- it is quite readable.

The posted link above takes you on an interesting story that stops off in Japan, talks about Jules Verne, and even discusses sous vide eggs (which, in my opinion, is NOT considered boiling).

Have a good read, and take notes.  Next time you have company for brunch- boil their socks off!

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